Add tooltip text property to Perspective objects
Robb Berghammer
Perspective buttons and other objects should have a tooltip property to display help text when user hovers mouse over object.
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Ray Sensenbach
Released in the Aug. 6th v8.1.9 nightly build.
> A new Tooltip feature is now a native part of the Meta Component properties along with two new Component based scripting functions: requestTooltip and removeTooltip which allow the user to configure and handle tooltips from scripting events.
Ray Sensenbach
in progress
Bob Rhees
Ray Sensenbach: Is there a timeline for this. Weeks?, Months? Years? We need to gauge if we wait (preferred) or create workarounds for certain situations.
Ray Sensenbach
Bob Rhees: I'd roughly estimate a month until this feature is completed. It's going through some back and forth between our Dev and QA teams now.
Adriaan le Roux
Ray Sensenbach: pssst! This is now completed 😉
Ray Sensenbach
Thanks for the reminder Adriaan le Roux! Cheers.
Trent Mahaffey
I would be nice to be able to make tooltips dynamic too. I want to be able to hover over any label and dispaly the tag's timestamp, or another tag value in the udt instance.
Nader Chinichian
Also with some delay to display tooltip when mouse hover is
Ray Sensenbach
Nader Chinichian
Ray Sensenbach: please make tooltip option as feature for every object in Perspective like style property. For example even imported svg need tooltip