Combine Scripts, Views and Named Queries in the same editor pane tabs
Ryan Deardorff
I'm usually working on combinations of Views, Scripts and Named Queries, and have to switch back and forth between them. It's very frustrating that I can't just switch between them using the tabs at the bottom of the editor, and I spend way too much time scrolling in the navigation pane on the left to switch over to a resource that I already have open.
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Jasper Louage
And next to that, you don't really need Named Queries, you can just have a nice script structure with queries in the functions. This is also way more 'Generateable' via llm's
Phil Turmel
Probably cannot do this for views, as that is the Perspective Workspace, and only exists if the Perspective module is installed. Scripts and Named Queries are provided by the platform, so combining those might be doable.
Also note that script tabs can be
into a separate window, allowing those to remain in view and editable while working in other workspaces.