Ray Sensenbach
Co-branding for Perspective's loading screen has been implemented in v8.1.20. More details can be found on the user forum: https://forum.inductiveautomation.com/t/new-feature-ignition-perspective-co-branding/62241.
Paul Griffith
Some updates on this feature: https://forum.inductiveautomation.com/t/new-feature-ignition-perspective-co-branding/62241
Yousuf Nejati
in progress
Ray Sensenbach
jaap Cloe de
Would be very nice when I can change the Ignition perspective loading screen at start-up. In our Fujifilm factory we are making light sensitive products. The monitors in our factory are filtered but the perspective start-up screen is very bright and can give exposure on our light sensitive products.
Ryan Crownover
I would love to be able to do this. As I know Carl Gould talks about often, Perspective is becoming more and more of a software platform that gets used in automation, as opposed to an automation project. As enterprise architectures grow and more Maker Edition presence kindles, I think we're going to see a lot more public-facing Perspective applications.
So co-branding is probably the way to go, but it could be difficult. I can see a need from IA to keep that loading page looking great. If someone rebrands the loading screen and makes it unsightly, but the Ignition logo is still there, and that brand image suffers from it. Definitely tricky. Oh the consequences of the internet.
Carl Gould
I'm not sure what "disabling" really would mean - you just want an empty screen while it's loading? That doesn't seem like a good experience to me.
As far as un-branding, I don't think that's going to fly. What if we added an option to customize / co-brand the loading screen in some way?
Shakeel Rajwani
Carl Gould: I would love for us to be able to co-brand the screen with Ignition. I'm currently building a cloud based service using Ignition, and I don't have any problem with our customers knowing we are building on Ignition (in fact, it's a selling feature since our customers are already familiar with and have trust in Ignition) - however the current splash/load screen is jarring to the user experience.
Ideally, I'd have the ability to change the color palette and make a spash/loading screen that shows: (our logo) built on (Ignition perspective logo). And maybe our logo could be a little bigger than the Ignition logo, but that might be too much to ask ;)
Alex Marks
Shakeel Rajwani: Reminds me of loading screens for videogames built on physics engines.
To add on this maybe the perspective loading screen can be kept for the Maker edition (advertising for the free edition) and for other versions it can be replaced (since 95% of the time the customer will know what software they've purchased).
Nathan Wells
Yes please!
Nader Chinichian
Yes or provide one python API to login and manually so we can make this screen by ourselves like method in vision
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