I have noticed that more and more frequently, when you want to do any kind of intermediate-level css without using theming than you have to escape the style class with what feels like SQL injection with something like }.psc-MyStyleClass svg { background-color: blue;}{ in the backgroundImage prop.
The question is, is there a plan to improve this experience? I feel like style classes are a bit watered down to help people that aren’t very familiar with CSS, but in order to leverage them in the designer in any kind of capability past beginner it requires this trickery, or leaving the designer completely to go into theming. Maybe an “advanced” mode in the style class builder that just shows the css for the actual style class that will be created, that you can edit directly would be nice.
I look forward to ideas or improvements that are already planned!
An idea what it could look like with some level of syntax checking, similar to in script transforms: