Escalation - Pipeline Count Incorrect
James Walker
This is simply feedback for you to improve your courses (already amazing, but why not make it better, right?).
In the supplemental video, "Pipeline - Escalation", you wish to alert managers after the operators have been notified three times. However, in the setup you show in your example, the count will be incorrectly biased up by one. For example, after the operators have been notified only one time, when the expression block checks the "numTimes" property, the count will be two (2), as you have counted the first Operator notification twice. It seems you can easily correct this by initializing the "numTimes" property to 0 instead of 1.
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Paolo Mariani
Hi James,
Thanks for the input. We plan on redoing all of the videos, so this one will get hit eventually too. I'll note down your suggestion.
James Walker
Further feedback for this feedback page: Since I added two pictures to the post, the submit button moved low enough to be out of view. When I scroll down to view the submit button, I realize the scroll of the left feedback input pane is dependent on the topics scroll position. When the topic list updates with the scroll, the submit button is only temporarily in view, until it again scrolls below view. A solution may be to separate the scroll functions of the left input pane and the topic list pane.